It seems like all I blog about is the Catherine Wristies right now! I have to admit that I'm at a busy moment in my graduate year right now, so yeah that was, except for a commissioned blanket pretty much all that was going on in the past weeks. But that's not the point. The point is that the wristies are finished! Yes, done. It was a bit of a puzzle figuring out how I would make them fit, as the Catherine wheel is not a particularly easy stitch to increase or decrease with. But still, I'm very pleased with the result!

They're not too long. Just long enough to tuck under your sleeves when you're wearing a jacket or cardigan. They will keep your hands warm while you're typing away your long stories on the pc, or when you're crocheting. Or when you're drinking tea and eating chocolate beans.

You might be wondering how I got the stitch to fit around my hand. As I said, the wheel is not particularly easy to adjust to the narrowness of our wrists and then back to our larger palms. And the stitch is also not very stretch. What to do? Well, I just decided to not sew the sides together! This leaves an opening near the palms, and as a bonus also takes care of the pretty oval shape near the knuckles and thumb. And all this with just four colours of Cotton 8.

The double edging worked pretty well. I'll show you how it was made in next week's tutorial!


Wees de eerste die reageert op dit bericht!
