How are you all doing today? I was, and still am, incredibly busy juggling all my different commitments at the time. Graduation internship vs. work. New job (yay) versus personal life. crochet versus learning new crafts and skills. Etsy versus Dawanda. WIPs versus new projects!

I Never made hexagons before (well ok, I've made lots of African flowers so technically that's not true, but I mean a simple shape hexagon). I've been thinking about doing a project in all-white with a little bit of colour. Well, there you go! All it took was a blank stare on a bus ride home and some cotton.

Anyone wants to take a guess as to what it will be?

I'm just saying, it's not going to be another blanket (at this point). Although it might be a nice idea for future projects. But then it would need more colour. Blankets aren't complete without the complete rainbow incorporated one way or another! For now, I'll just make this a small, quick wing-it-as-you-go.
Would you believe me if I said I have no clue where this project ended up? I'll have a look for you and see! September 23, 2022 14:13 - reply