

Hygge shawl (Part 13)

02.Oct.24 / Kirsten Ballering

Hygge is a Danish word that roughly translates to cosiness, but it’s much more! It’s about cosiness and being in a warm, welcoming environment and enjoying the good things in life. Being with friends and family is hygge. But wearing your favourite sweater with a cup of tea is hygge, too. And working on a cosy wrap, learning new things, and enjoying the process is definitely hygge.

The pattern for the Hygge shawl (Part 13) is also available as a styled and advertisement- free PDF in the Haak Maar Raak shop.

Shop the yarn!

Do you want to get your hands on Stonewashed and Catona? Shop them through the links below:

Crochet hook

4.5mm hook (US size G/7).


Blocked shawl measures 185 x 36cm (73 x 14in).


See Part 1 for gauge instructions.


Abbreviations (US terms)

  • ch: chain
  • drop st: dropped stitch: insert hook in base of st 2 rows below, pull up loop, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook
  • bobble: (yarn over, pull up loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops on hook) 5 times, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook
  • picot: (ss, ch2, ss) in same st
  • RS: Right side
  • sc: single crochet
  • st(s): stitch(es)
  • WS: Wrong side

Repeat formats

  • *….; rep from * once/twice/3x Crochet the instructions after * and then repeat that section a further number of times as indicated.
  • (…) once/twice/3x Crochet the instructions between brackets the total number of times indicated.
  • […] Indicates the amount of stitches at the end of a row or round.
  • (…) in same st/sp Indicates that all instructions between brackets are worked in the same stitch or space.

Colour layout

Hygge Part 13
Hygge part 13.



stay in the loop

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Crochet pattern


You will first work a couple of rounds around the shawl as a whole, to even out the edges. Then you will continue with rows on either side.

Round 1 (RS) Take SW and join with ss in the bottom right corner of your shawl in the starting chain. Ch1, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner st, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

1sc in side of each of next 303 rows, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in next corner st, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

57sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in next corner st, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

1sc in side of each of next 303 rows, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in next corner st, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

57sc, join with ss in first st. [305 sc on long sides, 59 sc on short sides]

Round 2 Ch1, 1sc in same st, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

305sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

59sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

305sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

58sc, ss in first sc. [307 sc on long sides, 61 sc on short sides]

Round 3 Ch1, 1sc in same st, 1sc in next st, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

307sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

61sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue.

307sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in corner space, rotate shawl 90 degrees and continue

59sc, ss in first sc. Cut yarn and weave in ends. [309 sc on long sides, 63 sc on short sides]

You’re now going to work only on the short side of the shawl. Work in rows. Your coloured rows are on the RS, your SW rows on the WS of your shawl, except for the last row.

Row 4 (RS) Join SW with a ss in the right corner space, ch1, 1sc in corner space, 63sc, 1sc in corner space, ch1, turn. [65 sc]

Row 5 (WS) 65sc, cut yarn.

Row 6 Join Colour H with a ss, ch1, 1sc in same st, 1sc in each of next 3 st, *drop st, 3sc; repeat from * another 14 times, 1sc, cut yarn. [50 sc, 15 dropped sts]

Row 7 Join SW with a ss, ch1, repeat row 5.

Row 8 Join Colour I with a ss, ch1, 1sc in same st, 1sc in each of next 5 st, *drop st, 3sc; repeat from * another 13 times, 3sc, cut yarn. [51 sc, 14 dropped sts]

Row 9 Join SW with a ss, ch1, repeat row 5.

Row 10 With Colour J repeat row 6.

Row 11 Join SW with a ss, ch1, 65sc, ch1, turn.

Row 12 *Picot, ss; repeat from * another 31 times, picot, cut yarn. [32 picots, 32 ss]

Repeat rows 4-12 for the other short side of the shawl. Weave in all ends.

If you plan on lining your shawl, block it to size first (instructions on blocking can be found at the document's start). After blocking, leave the shawl to rest for one or two days, so it has plenty of time to resize to its final measurements. In the meantime, pre-wash your fabric (to accommodate for shrinkage) and iron it flat.

Hygge part 13
Hygge part 13, Pastel colourway


Hygge diagram part 13

Diagram 1


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