It’s time for the next exciting part of this CAL-journey: the joining! As many of you know by now, We’ve finished this design for Marinke. But one of the parts of the blanket she completely finished is the joining! She used the so-called ‘flat zipper’ method. This method creates a join which lays flat on your work, instead of creating standing ridges as other methods sometimes do. It looks great now, and it will look even better next week when the border is finished! This week it’s Esther’s turn to write a blog post about the joining, she wrote a great one here. Don’t you just love her version of the blanket? I know I do!

Pattern & Videos
Ok, so there are quite a lot of links to share for this CAL. First, you can find the pattern here (NL) or here (EN), or in the Facebookgroup. If you haven’t got a kit to make this, the kits are for sale at Woolwarehouse and Deramores, amongst others. Have you read the tips&tricks document yet? Make sure to do, it’s really useful! And if you have trouble with the written instructions, There are videos in both Dutch and English available, made by Esther from It’s all in a Nutshell.
fijne dag,
groetjes van Marijke July 14, 2016 17:47 - Reply