Hello lovelies! And how is everybody today? I've been down with the flu all week, so there has not been a lot of hooky activity around the place, besides that, I'm almost done bordering the new baby blanket. But more on that in another blog. One of the things I love to do is to indulge myself in the heaven that is called Pinterest. For the people who don't know Pinterest; I'ts an online mood board in which you can save all the pictures (including their original sources) in different categories and share them with the Pinterest community. It's one of the great things about the internet, if you want you can share any picture with just one click!
I just love to look at all the pretty pictures over there (usually in the Crafts and DIY section, but also in many other categories) and I thought it might be fun to share my favourites on a regular basis with you guys! I'm planning to make this a returning item in my blogs so If you like it keep watching this space!
Let's start this off with what I love most: Blankets!

1. Fire blanket 2. Minky rag quilt 3. Sunny spread 4. Quilt scrabble throw 5. Ripple blanket 6. Elmer blanket 7. Older sister's blanket
Now I think about it I have made blankets resembling #5, #6 and #7. Maybe one day when I can quilt I can try to make #2, I'm sure it would look fabulous on any bed! But blanket #1 also seems lovely though very time-consuming to make (and especially to crochet/sew all the separate 'flames' together!)
For those who are curious to see what else is in my pins, check my Pinterest out here!
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