I've been crocheting like a madman... These tiny flowers are made with one of the new Invicta colours. I'm liking all the colour combos thus far. Especially the pink/purple/red ones... They're very colourful!

A flower only takes about 10-15 minutes to whip up. So usually I make 3 or 4 on my bus ride to work, and some more on the way back. This way I'm able to make plenty of flowers, considering that I usually crochet a little bit more during tv-time. Quick and easy, just the way I like it!

I'm continuing to experiment with the joining. Thus far, it looks like it's going to be like on the pic below. As you can see, it's necessary to block these babies! But no worries, I got it all under control.

Geweldig die gehaakte bloemetjes!
Waar kan ik het patroon vinden op internet?
Mvg: Marianne May 13, 2014 08:26 - Reply
het patroontje komt over een aantal weken, als het projectje af is, op deze blog te staan!
Kirsten May 13, 2014 08:33 - Reply