And we’re in week 5 already! I honestly think that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the whole blanket. Nerissa from Miss Neriss has designed a square so clever in its simplicity, and you can’t help but think of a bird’s footprint in the sand, walking over the beach like they own the place, the soft ticking their feet make on sand *tip*… *tip*… *tip*… *tip….*. Nerissa wrote a beautiful piece about her square, you can find it here.

Pattern & Videos
Ok, so there are quite a lot of links to share for this square. First, you can find the pattern here (NL) or here (EN), or in the Facebookgroup. If you haven’t got a kit to make this, the kits are for sale at Woolwarehouse and Deramores, amongst others. Have you read the tips&tricks document yet? Make sure to do, it’s really useful! And if you have trouble with the written instructions, There are videos in both Dutch and English available, made by Esther from It’s all in a Nutshell.
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