Ombre: having colours or tones that shade into each other —used especially of fabrics in which the colour is graduated from light to dark.” – Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Ever since ombre became a thing, I’m obsessed with it. The word originates from the Latin word ‘Umbra’, which means shadow. While you can take that very literal in terms of colours fading into black or grey, you can also achieve this effect with several shades of one colour. When I look back through items that I’ve collected through the years, I can’t help but notice that a lot are ombre. A lot of my favourites on Pinterest are ombre too. What can I say? I’m a colourful person.
Now in preparation of an exciting pattern that I’ll release soon, I’ve created some ombre combinations to get you in the ombre mindset!

50 shades of honey! The colours are:
- 101 Candle Light
- 403 Lemonade
- 154 Gold
- 249 Saffron
- 383 Ginger Gold

Who says that classy and trendy can’t go together? From Corals to Burgundy in one smooth swoop.
- 264 Light Coral
- 410 Rich Coral
- 256 Cornelia Rose
- 722 Red
- 517 Ruby

There’s almost something esoteric about combining shades of purple with grey, don’t you agree?
- 074 Mercury
- 399 Lilac Mist
- 226 Orchid
- 282 Ultra Violet
- 521 Deep Violet

I always have trouble picking from the pinks. There are SO many in the Sweet Treat range, I always want to include more!
- 222 Tulip
- 398 Colonial Rose
- 408 Old Rosa
- 413 Cherry
- 192 Scarlet

Moss greens… I think together with Tulip, the Silver Green is a contender for Best Shade Ever! Also, do you spot the Avocatdo?
- 402 Silver Green
- 412 Forest Green
- 606 Grass Green
- 212 Sage Green
- 244 Spruce

You can never go wrong with an ombre blue. Really!
- 509 Baby Blue
- 510 Skye Blue
- 215 Royal Blue
- 201 Electric Blue
- 124 Ultramarine
I think the cool thing about ombre is that you can achieve a big effect through several gradual colour changes. And you can turn it around too. Start with a black, and work your way to the lightest shade. So many possibilities! I hope this has inspired you for some new projects. And if you don’t know which one, keep watching this space. I’ve got something perfect coming up!
Wauw ... November 05, 2018 11:53 - Reply