No Valentine blog post here today! Instead, I'm busy cleaning and decluttering, because apparently you have to do that sometimes. While hating myself for gathering so many things I don't want to part with, my eye fell on my baskets. Oh, so many baskets. My house is full of baskets!
Normally a basket is multifunctional. Here it only means one thing: WIP. An unfinished, usually crocheted item waiting to be picked up and finished. Well, get in line, because at the moment there are a lot of WIPs!
#1. This cowl.

On the hook since somewhere in December, I never got around to finish it. Mainly because it is too short to my liking (although it's not for me). I forgot which Katia yarn I used, so I have to take it to the yarn store (a whopping 30 feet away) to decide which yarn I'll use for adding a few more rows. Of course, that has been the plan for about 2 months now.
#2. Something I never showed here before!

So this was supposed to be a baby blanket. I started this full of spirit... But never touched it again after the first day. It has been sitting in a basket in my closet for about 3 months now. I think I'll shorten the chain of squares a bit and make a pillow out of it. Someday.
#3. This blanket.

I still love the pattern, but somehow all my other blankets always get priority over this one. When I was at a yarn store the other day, I decided I'd add a new colour. I like these 3 colours but it's pretty hard to make an evenly spaced pattern out of it that's not diagonal. The more the merrier, right?

Ofcourse, the skeins are all sitting pretty in their basket. Let's make it a thing to finish this blanket before the winter has gone! (haha, tricked you, winter never truly leaves here).
#4. This blanket.

One of the blankets I have truly been working on is this one. As you can see, progress has been made and the joining has started. I still think I need to make a few more squares, but most of the granny part is done. I'm about 1/3th through the joining now. The pattern is sweet, so neutral! I hope to have finished joining by the end of February.

#5. The BIG blanket
Needless to say, WIP.

This thing is getting massive! I'm across the halfway point now, so it's going to be about twice as big. I just weighed it, it's 1 kg. Meaning that it will be about 2 kg when it's done.

#6 And it's not like I have anything else to do. So I started a new blanket a week back. This is the start of the Groovy-Ghan pattern A creative being made. All my leftovers are going into this blanket! But it's a long road before it's even close to being finished.

I like how the back looks like a woven rug! It's going to be a nice warm plaid.

And of course there is also the Catherine cowl. And a tiny dog amigurumi I was asked to made by a family member.
So in total, I have 4 blankets, a semi-pillow and 2 cowls to finish, besides the amigurumi dog (but that one is nearly done). I might have to ask Kev to draft up a contract stating that I am not allowed to start another thing before these WIPs are done.
Ooh, and then there's this! It's something I came up with a few days back. Technically they are not WIPs because they're done, but I plan on expanding the family before releasing the patterns.

How about you guys? Do you have closets bursting with WIPs? Or do you finish one piece of crochet, before starting the other?
succes met afmaken!
Karin February 14, 2014 12:15 - Reply
Groetjes van een andere Kirsten April 17, 2014 08:06 - Reply